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Project overview

The goals of SDG Translations are:

  1. To compile text related to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
  2. To translate that text into as many languages as possible
  3. To provide those translations in both machine-readable and human-readable formats


This project was built to support SDG reporting platforms, by making it easier to translate those platforms into multiple languages. To accomplish this, the translations are available in machine-readable JSON format. For more technical information, see the developers page.


In order to make it easy to audit and expand this set of translations, this project also provides some user-friendly tools for translators. On the translators page there are spreadsheets available for each language. Additionally there is a search page where translators can look up particular items to get more detailed context about how a word/phrase is intended to be used.

Contibuting and forking

Forking of this repository is encouraged, especially for maintaining translations that are specific to a particular platform. However any useful translations are welcome to be contributed back, as “pull requests”. If you are unsure how to submit a pull request, simply start things off with a note in the issue queue.